Meet Julie
If you’re a fan of warbirds, chances are you’ve seen the work of Julie Vessigault. She’s a professional aircraft detailer who’s been in the industry for many years. She has specialized in warbirds since 2015 when she joined the team at Warbird Adventures in Kissimmee, Florida.
She takes a careful and unique approach to each bird she is working on. She cocktails a variety of products into what she calls a detailing “recipe” — each perfectly suited for the plane in front of her. “There’s an artistic element to what I do,” Julie says when asked about how she treats each plane. “Few planes are treated the exact same.”

Julie’s Introduction to John’s 360º Coatings
Julie was introduced to John’s 360º Coatings when Steve Gustafson with Aeroshell, introduced her to them and asked her to use the products on his planes. As she became familiar with the products, she also began using The Avenger two-part ceramic coating to seal and protect the work she’d done and preserve the aircraft’s surface.
The Perfect Recipe
John’s 360º Coatings Metal X, Decon Spray, and Speed Coat are a go-to system for Julie. She finds herself reaching for them again and again.
“Metal X just melts the exhaust right off warbirds,” says Julie. This product has saved her time and a lot of elbow grease! She carefully vets every product she uses because she understands the value and history of the aircrafts she care for. She’s pleased to say she’s only had great experiences with John’s products.

She recommends people looking to learn her craft start out with cars and gradually work their way up to larger aviation projects. Patience and attention to detail is what sets her work apart from the rest!